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Wounded Falcon (The Warbird, Book 3)

The final volume of a series of three YA historical fiction novels, recounting the wartime experiences of Aelita “Aelya” Makarova. Inspired by the true story of women combat pilots of the Soviet Union during World War II.

Available in e-book

Keep posted on news and other important updates here.

Raven’s Shadow (The Warbird, Book 2)

Available in e-book and paperback

Sparrow Squadron (The Warbird, Book 1)

Available in e-book and paperback

Read a preview here.

Xinlishi Press

Xin li shi is Chinese for “new histories.” It is also a homophone (pronounced shin-lee-shuh) for something that comes “from the heart.” Xinlishi Press was created by DL Jung as an independent publisher to tell stories inspired by history, whether they are telling little known episodes from our real world or imagined histories of fantasy realms.

Xinlishi Press, Independent Publisher, Self-Publishing, Small Press, History, Fantasy, Horror, YA, Historical Fiction, Darius Jung, DL Jung, Aelita's War, Sparrow Squadron

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